
I am now an assistant professor in the Department of Agronomy at Iowa State University ( directory, miguez lab). I am still involved in projects with the EBI.

I was a post-doc at the Energy Bioscience Institute located in the Institute for Genomic Biology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I am still working on developing general mathematical models for biomass crops which take into account weather, soils and nutrients. These models are fairly detailed and as many as 30 parameters might need to be estimated for accurate simulations. For this reason, I'm using traditional and computationally intensive methods for parameter estimation, where the objective is to be able to parameterize the model with a minimum of data. On the left you will find more information about my research.

Miscanthus and Biofuels

The most recent publication is a meta-analysis about the agronomic management factors on Miscanthus x giganteus growth and biomass production. A book chapter about biofuels (in spanish) has also appeared in a textbook used to teach an environmental sciences course at the University of Buenos Aires. I have also organized a reading group at the EBI where we are reading papers and getting familiar with some of the details and assumptions about the research and claims about the feasibility of growing biomass crops as biofuels. This is a highly complex subject as it depends on economic, environmental, scientific and social factors. It is also clear that scientific findings are fairly sensitive about assumptions where there is no clear consensus.